Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030” Annual Forum: towards 2030

The second Annual Forum of the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” will take place on 5 March 2024 in Brussels and will aim at taking stock of the Mission’s progress and major achievements, at mobilising relevant actors around key Mission deliverables and at preparing the ground for the next phase of the Mission, moving ...

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Training: Introduction to Parallel Computing for Beginners

Description A short introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) will be provided, followed by a hands-on session during which attendees will gain practical experience using the CyI HPC cluster, including logging on and navigating the filesystem, selecting their build environment, preparing and submitting jobs, and collecting the data generated. A brief introduction to GPU programming ...

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2024 Research and Innovation Week

The Research and Innovation Week (R&I Week) is the 2024 European Commission’s flagship event on research and innovation which will take place between 18 and 21 March 2024 in Tour & Taxis (Brussels, Belgium). Celebrating the 40-year journey through the Research and Innovation Framework Programmes, the R&I Week 2024 will debate the future of R&I, shape the contribution to EU political priorities, and ...

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Joint Advanced Student School (JASS) 2024

Join us for JASS 2024 and explore smart city technologies! We’re excited to invite all university students in Cyprus to join us for the Joint Advanced Student School (JASS) 2024. This year, our topic of focus will be “Talking with Smart Cities,” and we’ll be learning all about how large language models can be used to control ...

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Artificial Intelligence: Chat GPT in our daily lives

✔️Date: 28/03/2024 ✔️The programme of the day: 18.30 registration, 19.00 lectures and 20.00 reception ✔️Venue: Cultural Centre of Occupied Famagusta, Deryneia ✔️Registration link: https://forms.office.com/e/8ps4nBVXz7 ✔️A certificate of attendance will be given to the participants ✔️Dr. Sotirios Hatzis, Associate Prof. and President of the Department of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Informatics Lecture ...

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European Youth Parliament Cyprus Dialogue Forum

The European Youth Parliament (EYP) Cyprus announces the holding of its upcoming event, a Dialogue Forum, which will take place on 30 March between 15:00 - 19:30 at the Melina Mercouri Cultural Hall in Nicosia. The event is addressed to young people aged 17-25 years old from all over Cyprus, and focuses on the upcoming ...

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Defining Paradata, Metadata & Data in 2D/3D Digital Heritage Documentation

The UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage, in cooperation with the Earth Observation Research lab (EOCult), the Mechanical Engineering Design & Additive Manufacturing Laboratory at the CY University of Technology, the EU CLARIAH-CY research infrastructure, the ARTEST and CREAMS projects, the CY-Eureka3D competence center in Digital Heritage, the EU Project Digital Europe EUreka3D, as well as the Connecting-RPF and the EU HE Engineer are organising a unique ...

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The Festival of the New European Bauhaus 2024

Save the date! The Festival of the New European Bauhaus is coming back for its second edition on 9-13 April 2024 in the Parc du Cinquantenaire and the Arts & History Museum in Brussels. The highly anticipated Festival will bring together people from all across the globe to share their vision and actions for a future that is sustainable, beautiful, and ...

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Interreg Europe Information Day

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, an Information Day will be organised, in Nicosia, for the 3rd call for proposals under the Interreg Europe 2021-2027 programme which will be announced on 19/3/24. The Conference is organised in collaboration and with the participation of the Joint Secretariat of the Programme. The information day will take place at the Cleopatra Hotel in Nicosia. When registering ...

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