The European Week of Regions and Cities 2024 is taking shape!

On 22 May, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the European Committee of the Regions welcomed the partners of this 22nd edition of the #EURegionsWeek. The meeting was dedicated to shaping this upcoming edition. Here is what to expect this year: 102 sessions focused on empowering regions; new innovative formats as PechaKucha, Living Library; Interactive Activities: ...

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Apply now to attend the 8th Lindau meeting on Economic Sciences

The European Commission is giving current and past Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellows the opportunity to attend the next Lindau meeting on Economic Sciences in summer 2025. The deadline to apply is 18 October 2024.  Economic Sciences meeting in summer 2025 The meeting of Nobel Laureates on Economic Sciences will be held from 26 to 30 August 2025. About ...

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