The Cyprus Institute Innovation Bootcamp for TREATY

Participate in the CyI Innovation Bootcamp for free, pitch your idea and win a prize! Dates: 17, 18, 21 June Venue: NOUS Hub Strovolos Within the EIT HEI Initiative project TREATY, The Cyprus Institute Graduate School is offering an Innovation Bootcamp that will take you on a journey to the world of innovation and entrepreneurship. In this intensive bootcamp, ...

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10th Energy Infrastructure Forum

The annual Energy Infrastructure Forum is organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. It gathers representatives of the EU institutions, transmission system operators, project promoters, regulators, energy companies, NGOs and civil society and the financing community to discuss the challenges of modernising Europe’s energy infrastructure to ensure a ...

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ERC Info Day for Widening Participation

02 July 2024 09:30 - 12:00 CEST Online ERCEA Register here Research support teams at universities or other institutions play a key role in the process of applying for ERC grants. They can help researchers and scholars build competitive grant proposals.  That's why the ERC is hosting this info session for grant officers, project managers and ...

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ERC Advanced Grant 2024 applicants webinar

Are you preparing your application to the ERC Advanced Grant 2024 call to be submitted before the 29 August deadline? Assisting a Principal Investigator in their proposal preparation? Having doubts about how to fill in the new lump sum budget forms? Any other problem? This webinar is for you.  On the final stretch of the ...

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Webinar on ERC Work Programme 2025

12 September 2024 15.00 - 16.30 CEST Over €2.7 billion will be available in ERC research grants for 2025. What are the new funding opportunities, the budget allocations, the calendar, and the conditions? Angela Liberatore and José Labastida from the ERC Executive Agency will present the plans for 2025 and answer questions from viewers. The YouTube ...

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Cyprus Forum 2024

3 - 4 October 2024 Nicosia Municipal Theatre Marking the 60th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the Republic of Cyprus, October 2020 saw the launch of the Cyprus Forum: a new, independent, ambitious and not-for-profit annual conference, organised by Oxygen for Democracy (formerly Oxygono) in association with the Delphi Economic Forum and Zenox Public Affairs as strategic partner. The ...

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The European Week of Regions and Cities 2024 is taking shape!

On 22 May, the European Commission's Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and the European Committee of the Regions welcomed the partners of this 22nd edition of the #EURegionsWeek. The meeting was dedicated to shaping this upcoming edition. Here is what to expect this year: 102 sessions focused on empowering regions; new innovative formats as PechaKucha, Living Library; Interactive Activities: ...

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Apply now to attend the 8th Lindau meeting on Economic Sciences

The European Commission is giving current and past Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellows the opportunity to attend the next Lindau meeting on Economic Sciences in summer 2025. The deadline to apply is 18 October 2024.  Economic Sciences meeting in summer 2025 The meeting of Nobel Laureates on Economic Sciences will be held from 26 to 30 August 2025. About ...

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