University of Cyprus: Marios Polycarpou, Professor of the University of Cyprus, was awarded an international distinction in the field of Artificial Intelligence

The 2023 IEEE Frank Rosenblatt Technical Field Award, which is the highest distinction for scientists/researchers conducting pioneering research work in the field of Artificial Intelligence, was awarded to Marios Polykarpou, Professor of the University of Cyprus and Director of the Research and Innovation Center of Excellence “KIOS”.

The award ceremony took place on 2 July 2024, in Japan, at the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2024), which was attended by over 2,500 scientists from around the world.

After the award ceremony, Dr. Polycarpou, as the keynote speaker of the IEEE WCCI 2024 World Congress, spoke about the important role that AI can play in the protection, security and resilience of cyber-physical systems and critical infrastructure such as energy, transportation, water, etc. Such systems, due to their complex, interconnected and interdependent nature, face various technical and operational challenges, as well as security issues, with a direct impact on citizens. In cases of emergencies, faults or cyber-attacks, artificial intelligence can help to enhance the detection of the problem in a timely manner. Finally, Professor Polycarpou discussed the design and analysis of intelligent monitoring methods for cyber-physical systems, which can help shape more resilient societies.

Frank Rosenblatt Technical Field Award

The Frank Rosenblatt Technical Field Award has been established since 2004 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in honor of the distinguished American psychologist researcher Frank Rosenblatt, who is known for his pioneering research work in the field of neural networks. This prize is awarded annually to leading scientists/researchers from around the world who are distinguished for their research excellence and the high level of research they have carried out in the fields of computational intelligence, neural networks and artificial intelligence. For more information on this award:

Short Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Polycarpou

Marios Polycarpou is Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cyprus, Director of the Coios Centre of Excellence for Research and Innovation, a founding member of the Cyprus Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts, and a member of the European Academy of Sciences (Academia Europaea).

He attended undergraduate studies on scholarship at Rice University, USA (B.A. Computer Science, 1987, B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, 1987) and postgraduate studies at the University of Southern California, USA (M.Sc., 1989, Ph.D., 1992, Electrical Engineering). In 1992, he joined the University of Cincinnati, U.S.A., where he became a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science. In 2001, he was the first academic member to join the newly established Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Cyprus, and served as the Chair of the Department from 2001-2008.

In 2006 he was elected IEEE Fellow and between 2004-2010 he was Editor-in-Chief of the journal IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. In 2016 Professor Marios Polycarpou received the IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Award for his pioneering research in the field of neural networks.

In collaboration with his research team, he has published more than 400 articles in international journals, books and conference proceedings on information and communication technology and their application to power systems, water distribution networks, smart buildings, computer networks, robotics and smart transportation. He has also registered 6 patents in health device automation.

In his thirty-year academic career, Professor Polycarpou has secured competitive funding for more than 80 research projects in the US, Europe and Cyprus. The greatest crowning achievement of his research excellence, however, is the funding from the European Research Council, the ERC Synergy Grant, 2021, the ERC Advanced Grant, 2012, as well as the Teaming Program for the upgrade of “Koios” to a European Centre of Excellence.

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