Neapolis University Pafos: Members of the Neapolis University Pafos at the meeting of the European Universities of the EMERGE consortium in Alexandroupolis

From 20 to 24 May 2024, a meeting of members of the teaching and administrative staff of the European Universities of the EMERGE initiative was held in Alexandroupolis, at the Democritus University of Thrace, with the main topic of discussion being “Fostering an inclusive, sustainable and resilient campus”.

On behalf of Neapolis University in Paphos, the Rector of the University, Professor Pantelis Sklias – member of the EMERGE Consortium Steering Committee – participated in the opening session.

As members of the project team, the Lecturer in Real Estate Development and Sustainability, Dr. Martha Katafygiotou, from the Department of Real Estate Valuation and Development, who attended the thematic section “Creating an Inclusive, sustainable and resilient campus”, the Lecturer in Experimental Psychology, Dr. Loukia Taxitari, from the Department of Psychology, participated with presentations and interventions, who participated in the work of the thematic module “Connecting campuses and communities through Languages and Culture” and Lecturer in Diplomatic History and International Relations and Head of the University’s Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Committees, Dr. Katerina Papazacharia, from the Department of History, Politics and International Studies, who participated in the work of the thematic module “Community Engagement and Services”.

During the proceedings of the meetings, the participants were given the opportunity to present the policies of their country’s academic institutions, important good practises and innovative teaching methods, as well as the existing difficulties and challenges facing contemporary European higher education and to exchange useful material and views on them.

In addition, members of the academic staff of the Democritus University of Thrace presented in workshops interesting aspects of the thematic modules addressed by the Committees.

In the context of the impeccable organisation and hospitality of the Democritus University of Thrace (which was the hosting partner of the event), visits were made to Komotini, the Evros Delta, the protected National Park of Dadia – Lefkimi – Soufli and Orestiada, where the university facilities of the Departments of Rural Development and Forestry & Environmental and Natural Resources Management were visited.

Source: Neapolis University Pafos | News (