DG Research and Innovation is organising on Thursday 23 June, from 14:30 to 16:00 a webinar aimed to introduce organisations’ Legal Entity Appointed Representatives (LEARs) to the specific requirements of the Horizon Europe GEP eligibility criterion, building on the Guidance published last September by the European Commission, detailing the practical steps to be carried out by LEAR through the Participant Register, and providing concrete examples of GEPs developed by organisations.
As described in the General Annexes to Horizon Europe 2021-2022 work programme, having a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) in place that meets a set of mandatory requirements becomes an eligibility criterion for all public bodies, higher education institutions and research organisations from Member States and Associated Countries wishing to participate in Horizon Europe, for calls with deadlines in 2022 and onwards.
This webinar will feature:
- 14:30 WelcomeJean-Éric PAQUET, DG R&I Director General
- 14:40 Presentation of the GEP eligibility criterionAnne PÉPIN, DG R&I Gender Sector
- 15:00 Presentations of their GEPs by experienced organisationsJasminka HASIĆ-TELAVOVIĆ, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mathieu ARBOGAST, Project Manager, Mission pour la place des femmes au CNRS, French National Centre for Scientific Research, France
- 15:30 Q&A session
- 16:00 End of the meeting
Additional links & documents:
Horizon Europe guidance on gender equality plans
Gender Equality Plans as an eligibility criterion in Horizon Europe
YouTube live stream
The YouTube live stream is not available yet. Please come back on 23 June 2022 at 14.30 CEST & refresh the page (CTRL+F5).
Slido session (Q&A – polls)
The Slido session is not available yet. Please come back on 23 June 2022 at 14.30 CEST & refresh the page (CTRL+F5).
>> I cannot see the YouTube live stream
- It is normal that you do not have access to the YouTube live stream before the starting date and time of the event.
- Around 5 minutes before the starting time is reached, please simply refresh your browser using CTRL+F5. The YouTube live stream should appear on the page.
- If you still do not see it after refreshing the page, please try again with another browser. All major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari, etc.) should work fine.
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Source: European Commission (https://bit.ly/3y6VM0G)