European University Cyprus: University’s ARDES Project Teaches Students How Art Combines with Sustainability

In April, the European University Cyprus hosted talented students from various high schools in Cyprus who participated in the ARDES Project workshops. This project, an Erasmus+ initiative, enables participants to explore the concepts of sustainability and environmental protection through the creative perspective of art and design. The students participated enthusiastically in the interactive workshops and took part in hands-on experiences that filled them with inspiration and critical thinking. The opening speech was given by Mrs. Vanda Sequeira, Ambassador of Portugal in Cyprus who spoke about the importance of sustainability in art

The ARDES project develops and implements a Short Learning Programme (SLP) for higher education on Art, Design and Sustainability. This project aims to integrate knowledge and values related to climate change and sustainability into art and design curricula, using digital tools for interactive engagement.

The two-year project is implemented by MyDocumenta (Coordinator, Spain), European University Cyprus, Universidade Aberta (Portugal), EINA (Spain) and LABA Valencia (Spain).

Source: European University Cyprus | News (