Cyprus University of Technology: The Department of Fine Arts of CUT creates SuCiE Sustainable and Circular Economy artistic platform

The Department of Fine Arts of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) announces the creation of the new artistic platform SuCiE in the context of the research project “EMPACT – Empathy and Sustainability: The Art of Thinking like a Mountain”, co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union (Grant Agreement No: 101055903 – EMPACT – CREA-CULT-2021-COOP-2), with coordinators, assistant professors Efi Kyprianidou and Yiannis Christidis.

This is a very important initiative connecting sustainability with the arts implemented by CUT, in collaboration with the partner organisations and institutions of the EMPACT project from Spain (Espacio Rojo), Bulgaria (NATFA), Italy (Fondazione Lamberto Puggelli and NAHR), Slovenia (UGM) and Greece (Vorre Museum).

Specifically, in order to promote and strengthen the framework of sustainable artistic production and the circular economy, an integrated online platform was created that includes all the countries participating in the project. This platform will act as a central hub where artists and companies can connect, share and exchange waste, surplus or unused materials. Through this initiative, these resources can be given new life in the hands of other artists, promoting reuse and reducing waste. Materials can be offered either for free or at minimal cost, thus encouraging a more sustainable approach to artistic production and resource management.

Artists as well as institutions and organisations interested in participating in this project can visit the EMPACT website and find out more information.

The SuCiE platform is available at the following link:

In the next period, the Sucie platform will be presented at a press conference, to which representatives of culture and business will be invited.

Source: Cyprus University of Technology | News (