CYENS: EIT Community RIS HUB Cyprus Kick-Off: Supporting the Cyprus Innovation Ecosystem

The Kick-Off event of EIT Community RIS HUB in Cyprus, is set to enhance the Cyprus innovation ecosystem. Scheduled for June 18, 2024, from 13:30 to 18:30 at the CYENS Centre of Excellence in Nicosia, this event promises to raise the awareness of university students, innovators, entrepreneurs, researchers, policy makers, and government officials regarding the many EIT innovation initiatives that they can take advantage of.

The Kick-Off will feature representatives from all EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), who will outline and present their initiatives and the numerous opportunities they offer. Additionally, local policymakers, government officials, leading researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs will provide an overview of the current state of our local ecosystem. This combination will enable all attendees to understand how EIT can fit into the status quo and ultimately uplift our research, innovation, and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Supporting the Cyprus Innovation Ecosystem

The Cyprus Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (RIE) ecosystem is experiencing significant growth, supported by strategic governmental initiatives, active academic institutions, and a dynamic private sector. The National Strategy Framework for Research and Innovation (2019-2023) and the Deputy Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digital Policy have been central to creating a conducive regulatory environment and increasing funding for R&D activities. However, the ecosystem faces challenges such as a limited domestic market and difficulties in securing funding specifically investments for new ventures. Despite these hurdles, Cyprus leverages its strategic location, skilled workforce, and favourable business environment to drive innovation. Substantial EU funding through programmes like Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, alongside national funding and incentives, offers significant opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Source: EIT Community RIS Hub Cyprus (