Boost for Indian-EU research partnerships under new co-funding scheme within MSCA Staff Exchanges

The European Commission, the Delegation of the European Union to India and the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have started a new co-funding initiative for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Staff Exchanges, part of the EU’s research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.

The CSIR will top up selected MSCA Staff Exchanges projects, enabling its institutes, laboratories and innovation units to carry out joint research projects with European and international partners. The co-funding will allow them to secondthey staff to European research organisations for training, skills and career development and knowledge sharing.

The scheme will promote mobility of researchers in both directions and create a balanced flow of exchanges. This will strengthen research ties between Europe and India and drive forward scientific and technological progress by enhancing long-term bilateral institutional cooperation and collaborative research.

Funding for CSIR institutes and staff

Funding will cover the period from 2025 to 2027. It will be open to any CSIR entity applying to Staff Exchanges calls with an international consortium.

Consortia of organisations planning to apply to the next calls of Staff Exchanges are strongly encouraged to partner with CSIR entities for their proposals. Projects should build on previous work while also striving to generate or strengthen long-term collaborations.


To be eligible for the co-funding, projects should comply with Staff Exchange’s eligibility criteria and include at least one CSIR entity and staff member.

Besides submitting a proposal with an eligible consortium, participating CSIR entities will need to submit a proposal for co-funding via CSIR’s International Cooperation Management System. This will be evaluated independently by CSIR’s selection committee, who will decide on the shortlist of co-funded projects through its own criteria.

The full details and guidelines for applicants are available on CSIR’s website.

Source: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions | News (