Applying for internships and traineeships in Europe

Are you a student or recent graduate looking for an internship or traineeship in Europe? It can be challenging to navigate the different opportunities and requirements, but there are resources available to help you find the right fit.

The difference between internships and traineeships

  • An internship is a short-term work experience that typically lasts a few weeks to a few months. Internships are often unpaid, although some employers do offer compensation.
  • A traineeship is a structured learning programme that provides practical work experience in a specific field. Traineeships can last up to 12 months and are typically paid

The Erasmus Intern Portal

The Erasmus Intern portal connects interns and trainees with internship and traineeships providers. On it, you can create a profile, search for opportunities and apply for internships and traineeships abroad.

Source: European Commission | News (