Supporting wellbeing at school: new guidelines for policymakers and educators

These are the first outcomes of the European Commission’s expert group on enhancing supportive learning environments for vulnerable learners and for promoting wellbeing and mental health at school.

The 2 sets of guidelines address:

  • education policymakers
  • school leaders, teachers and educators

Key recommendations

In total, the guidelines provide 11 recommendations to implement a whole-system and whole-school approach to wellbeing and mental health. These recommendations include

  • emphasis on prevention: building competencies, through social and emotional learning, safeguarding physical activities and nutrition, ensuring equity through targeted measures
  • sustainable capacity increase: policymakers should take into account the additional resources needed for teacher training and professional development
  • empowering educators to innovate in teaching while maintaining their own wellbeing
  • including the youth in shaping their learning experience
  • effectively support educators and youth though building robust networks with stakeholders from different sectors

Read the guidelines for policy maker, school leaders, teachers and educators in the article’s source.

Source: European Commission (European Education Area) | News (