Council adopts more Fit for 55 laws to decarbonise the EU’s economy

The Council has adopted new rules which will help to achieve the EU’s goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions and reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

The new rules concern:

  • energy efficiency
  • alternative fuels infrastructure
  • the decarbonisation of the maritime sector

Energy efficiency

The new rules aim to reduce final energy consumption by setting more ambitious energy efficiency targets. Through these rules, member states will collectively reduce final energy consumption by at least 11.7% in 2030, compared with the energy consumption forecasts for 2030 made in 2020.

Alternative fuels infrastructure

The alternative fuel infrastructure regulation (AFIR) will ensure the deployment of more recharging and refuelling stations for alternative fuels across Europe in the coming years. This will enable the transport sector to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

FuelEU maritime initiative

The main objective of the FuelEU maritime initiative is to increase the demand for and the consistent use of renewable and low-carbon fuels and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from the shipping sector, while ensuring the smooth operation of maritime traffic and avoiding distortions in the internal market.

Source: European Council | News (