Project Name | Le-MATH: Learning Mathematics through new communication factors |
Abbreviation | Le-MATH |
Project Description | “Le-Math” project uses an entirely different approach, inviting teachers and students to implement new methods of communication in learning mathematics that could be fun and enjoyable at the same time. This is an approach that generates new ideas under “learning while playing”. |
Impact | The actions of the project aim to bring students closer into loving mathematics, through new methods of communication developed within “learning by playing” while promoting European cooperation on schools in the field of capacity building and supporting basic abilities in mathematics. |
Coordinator | Cyprus Mathematical Society |
Partners | 12 partners from 10 different countries
Programme | LLP Comenius |
Duration | 24 months |
Budget | 399,471 EUR |
Website | www.le-math.eu |
LE-MATH: Learning mathematics through new communication factors
Many students find mathematics difficult and tedious and instead of studying they prefer to spend most of their time on video games, on their mobile phone or online. One way to get students back in the “game” of education is to use tools similar to their ‘rivals’, i.e. communication in learning mathematics with a non-traditional way. EOC is one of the partner of the European project “Le-MATH: Learning Mathematics through new communication factors”, which is funded by the European Commission under the Action COMENIUS – Multilateral Projects in the Lifelong Learning Programme. The two-year project started on 1st November 2012, and its aim is to develop a methodology for teaching and learning mathematics through new communication factors.
“Le-Math” project uses an entirely different approach, inviting teachers and students to implement new methods of communication in learning mathematics that could be fun and enjoyable at the same time. This is an approach that generates new ideas under “learning while playing”.
The aim of this project is the development of methodology in teaching and learning mathematics with the creation of two main tools that can be used by teachers. The methods will be created in such a way so that they can be used in an in-service training course for teachers who teach mathematics to pupils of age 9-18.
The two methods are:
- MATHeatre: Teaching and learning mathematics through math theatre activities
- MATH-Factor: Teaching and learning mathematics through mathematics communication activities
Coordinator of the project is the the Cyprus Mathematical Society and the project involves 12 partners from Cyprus, Austria, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Sweden and the Czech Republic. Project partners coming from universities, schools, mathematical organizations, theater schools, schools of art and business.
The consortium of the Le-MATH project worked intensively,
Competition for the Theatrical Script Writing on Mathematics (theory, applications, history of mathematics, etc).
- The competition was open to all citizens within and outside the EU and participants were mainly playwrighters, and teachers of all levels. A total of 40 scripts from 13 countries inside and outside Europe were submitted, and after evaluation by two judges, in November 2013 three prizes and eight distinctions were awarded:
- 1st Prize – “Fivepartacus”, by Sergio Vidal, Spain
- 2nd Prize – “Geoland”, by Marilena Vilciu and Theodor Draghici, Romania
- 3rd Prize – “An outcast for a blueblood”, by Konstantinos Kordosis, Greece
- All plays submitted will be published in a special edition of “Le-MATH-THEATRE”, a special manual that will be used to support teachers and educators.
- Guidelines MATHFactor – Version 1, September 2013.
The guide provides a preliminary assessment under the pilot MATHFactor method for learning mathematics through communication activities. The aim of this guidance is to enhance the participation of students in the competition MATHFactor Europe 2014. - Handbook of good practices Le-MATH.
- Collection of good practices on the use of mathematical communication through theater or other factors in several countries within and outside Europe.
- Announcement of two Competitions on Communicating Mathematics “MATH-Factor: Teaching and learning mathematics through mathematics communication activities” and Mathematics Theatre “MATHeatre: Teaching and learning mathematics through math theatre activities”.
The competitions will be held in two phases: ‘Preliminary’ Stage 1 and ‘Final’ Stage 2.- Stage 1 ends on 7 February 2014, and is divided in two parts based on age: 9-13 and 14-18 years old. During Stage 1, contestants will be asked to upload videos of their participation in the project’s website. The finalists from Stage 1 will be invited to present their work live in Stage 2, which will take place during the European Student Conference in Mathematics – EUROMATH 2014 in Cyprus on 24-28 April 2014.
- Stage 2 of MATHFactor and MATHeatre will be held in Cyprus on 26-27 April 2014, before a live audience and jury.
In the context of the competitions, prizes and honorary distinctions will be awarded.